sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2016


Se Hillary Clinton for eleita Presidente dos Estados Unidos em 2016, ela poderia experimentar uma deterioração física significante por causa da esclerose múltipla que sofre, durante seus quatro anos no Salão Oval. É o que assegura o tabloide The National Enquirer, explicando porque a ex-primeira dama não poderia ser presidente.
Um especialista da publicação pintou um cenário de horror para a atual candidata à presidência americana.
“A perda da visão vai dificultar o primeiro ano de Hillary”, disse um expert ao Enquirer.
“Os sintomas incluem uma visão borrada e as cores ficam confusas e começam a sumir. Outros sintomas são a visão dupla e os movimentos involuntários dos olhos”.
E o expert contratado pela revista continua:
“Em seu segundo ano na Casa Branca, ela poderia sofrer entorpecimentos e formigamentos, com sensações de intenso calor ou frio. Em seu terceito ano ela pode experimentar fraqueza, fadiga… sentir seus membros pesados. E enquanto os anos passam, Hillary tem grandes chances de fracassar. Ela pode até ter problemas em segurar pequenas coisas”, disse o médico.
“Todos esses problemas podem surgir de uma esclerose múltipla comum, assim como tonturas e tremores”.
Mas o expert consultado pelo tabloide disse que isso não significa que a ex-secretária de estado não possa cumprir com suas obrigações.
“Vendo pelo lado bom, Hillary parece ter bons genes”, disse a fonte.
“O pai dela viveu até os 82 anos e sua mãe, Dorothy, até os 92″.


With her 2016 presidential campaign in full swing, The National ENQUIRERis reporting that Hillary Clinton is hiding two shocking health secrets – multiple sclerosis and a series of strokes!
In a bombshell exclusive, The National ENQUIRER reported the 67-year-old Democratic front-runner is suffering from the early stages of the debilitating disease MS. A political insider close to her and husband Billtold The ENQUIRER. “She’s been working with her staff to keep the medical drama under wraps, and she’s doing her best to deal with it.”
But other sources claimed Clinton has suffered three secret strokes, according to the report, and it seems to be taking a toll. Out on the campaign trail, another close source said, “behind the scenes she appears exhausted, dazed and confused at times.” Her most trusted aide, Huma Abedin, even sleeps in her hotel room to keep an eye on her “in case there’s a medical emergency,” the insider claimed.
Clinton has a history of blackouts, falls, memory loss, blinding headaches, vision problems and collapses dating back at least a decade. In 2005, she fainted during a luncheon speech in Buffalo, N.Y. Four years later, then–Secretary of State Clinton broke her right elbow in a mysterious fall in a U.S. State Department garage. In 2011, Clinton collapsed while boarding a flight in Yemen, but insisted she’d simply slipped.
“With the symptoms of falling, unstable balance and vision problems, she could have early symptoms of MS that went undiagnosed for years,” Dr. Leslie R. Matthews, assistant professor of surgery at Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta, told The ENQUIRER.
An insider said, “It makes you wonder how long Hillary has been hiding her condition. Bill and their daughter,Chelsea, have to be extremely concerned.”
Hillary Clinton campaigns in NH
“She is ignoring doctors who are telling her, ‘Running for president will kill you.’ She believes she was put on Earth for this, and there’s no convincing her otherwise,” an insider claimed. Do you think Hillary Clinton is healthy enough to be the President of the United States? Sound off in the comments below. - Fonte: The National Enquirer

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